Two Courses in Mathematics Education for Prospective
and Practicing K-12 Teachers and Others

Offered Spring 2022 at NMSU
Each of these courses earns attendees 3 hours of math credit.

Course 1
Math 1134. Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics I
Instructor: Pat Baggett,
MW 1:30-2:45 PM
online synchronous zoom class

First class: Wednesday, January 12, 2022
This is the first required course in math for Elementary Education majors. Students in this course are primarily preservice K-8 teachers. Materials will be presented as lesson plans that can be used in elementary and middle grades (and some can be adapted for high school). Most lessons will have a large "hands- on" component using projects and technology, including the TI-108 and occasionally, scientific calculators. We will not use a textbook, but instead units for each class will be put in a canvas module for that date. Units come from Breaking Away from the Math Book: Creative Projects for Grades K-6 (2004), Breaking Away from the Math Book II: More Creative Projects for Grades K-8 (2004), and Breaking Away from the Algebra and Geometry Book: Original and Traditional Lessons for Grades K-8, as well as extensive handouts and units on the website, Since the course is online, you will be asked to provide some tools and supplies. There are no tests in the class!

Syllabus of the Math 1134 Course

Course 2
Math 2134. Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics II
Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics II
Instructor: Pat Baggett,
MW 4:00-5:15 PM
online synchronous zoom class

First class: Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Math 112 is the second required course in math for Elementary Education majors (it follows Math 111). Materials, many dealing with geometry, will be presented as lesson plans that can be used in elementary and middle grades (and some can be adapted for high school). Some lessons will have a "hands- on" component using projects and technology, including a simple 4-operation calculator, as well as, occasionally, a scientific calculator. We will not use a text book, but instead units will be provided through Canvas and on the website, You will be asked to provide some tools and supplies for the course yourself, since it will be entirely online. There are no tests in the class! We hope that you will find some of the units suitable to try with students in your future classes.

Syllabus of the Math 2134 Course

******************************************************* For more information on either course, please contact Pat Baggett,
A super cool link: Breaking Away from the Math Book