

Calculator: TI-83 Plus.


A matrix [B] = [[cos(A), -sin(A)][sin(A), cos(A)]] represents a counterclockwise rotation by angle A, around a center of coordinates on a plane. Remember that if A is negative, the direction is actually clockwise (opposite to counterclockwise).


Here is a program that rotates a 2-dimensional picture counterclockwise by angle A around the origin. It uses (calls) the program DRAW, which is in the unit Pictures. You need to prepare matrices [I] and [J] beforehand. [I] holds the coordinates of the points in your drawing, and [J] tells which points are connected. The program keeps all the pictures, overlaying the next one on the previous ones. (I named it ROTATETW (for "rotate in 2 dimensions"), but you may choose your own name!)


Drawing Program Explanation
:PrgmDRAW Draws picture in original orientation

:Prompt A

:While 1

:[[cos(A), -sin(A)][sin(A),cos(A)]]→[B]

User enters angle A in degrees

Rotate matrix [I] counterclockwise by angle A

:PrgmDRAW Draw the new picture

Press enter to get the next picture



How would you change the program if you wanted to erase the previous picture before drawing the next one?



The question is: Given a 2 by 2 matrix [B], does it represent a rotation? If so, how to find its angle A?


The answer to the first question.

If det([B]) ≠ 1, then [B] is not a rotation,

else if [B]*[B]T is the 2 by 2 identity matrix [[1,0][0,1]] then [B] is a rotation,

else [B] is not a rotation.


The answer to the second question.

If [B] is a rotation, compute, cos-1([B](1,1)), (it is always positive); then if [B](2,1) is negative then A = -cos-1([B](1,1)), else A = cos-1([B](1,1))



Students work in pairs using one calculator. One student prepares a matrix which either is or is not a rotation, and the other checks it (and finds A if appropriate).

(Set: MODE to Float 2.)



First student:


[[.89    -.45]

[.45    .89 ]]



Second student:


1.00    So far it is okay.


[[1    0]

[0    1]]    It is a rotation.




.45    It is positive.

The angle is A = 27 degrees.

Webpage by Owen Ramsey
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