Pyramid of Cubes

Tools and materials: Lots of wooden cubes (the teacher should know approximately how many). The cubes can have edges 1 cm, 1/2 in, 3/4 in or 1 in long. TI-34 II calculators or similar ones.


Students work in groups. Each group sits around a table.


You are going to build a pyramid from wooden cubes. You can get at most c cubes (e.g. c=160). The pyramid has a base measuring n by n; the second layer has (n-1) by (n-1) cubes. This pattern continues until one block crowns your pyramid. Before you start building the pyramid, you have to compute the exact number of blocks you are going to use, and take this number of blocks from the supply table. After you build the pyramid, compute its surface area (the base doesn't count) either in square inches or in square centimeters.

Example of a solution:  

Computation of the number of blocks b, as a function of the length of the edge of the base n. (The number of blocks that are available is c.)

We will use the TI-34 II calculator.

Calculator variables:

A holds the length of the edge n.

B holds the number of blocks b in the whole pyramid.



                   OP1=A+1A            increases n;                                 OP2=B+A2B          computes b;



OP1            write the value of n;
OP2            write the value of b;
until b>c

     Table of values
         n:     b:
         1       1
         2       5
         3     14

         ...     ...




Computation of visible surface area

Roof area = n*n
"Do you see it?" (Look from the top!).
See how you can slide all the cubes to a corner, and when you look from the top the roof area is simply n*n.


Side area = 4*n + 4*(n-1) +....+ 4*2+4*1

                = 4*(n+ (n-1) + ... +2+1)

                = 4*(n*(n+1)/2)

                = 2*n*(n+1)

(You may derive this formula or compute its value with a calculator.)


The surface area = n*n + 2*n*(n+1).

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