More old word problems


These word problems were taken from John Stoddard's American Intellectual Arithmetic, published in New York in 1860 by Sheldon & Co.


Solving word problems with algebra is a three-step process:

        (1) Define variables and constants, and write equations.

        (2) Choose an algorithm for solving the equations, and implement it on a calculator if it is complex one.

        (3) Execute the algorithm, and formulate the answer


1. If a hogshead of molasses containing 84 gallons cost $30; how much must it be sold a gallon, to gain 40 percent?


Variables, constants, and equations.

        c = 30/84             unit price, in dollars per gallon, paid for molasses;

        x                          unknown unit price for which molasses must be sold;

        x = 1.4*c             the selling price per gallon must be 40% = .4 higher than

                                    the unit price for which it was bought.



        Compute 1.4*30/84



        This computation can be done mentally, on paper, or with a calculator.

The answer: The selling price of molasses should be 50 cents per gallon.



2. A merchant bought broadcloth for $1.20 a yard and sold it for 33 1/3 percent more than he gave for it; which, however, was 33 1/3 percent less than his marked price for it.  How much was his marked price per yard?


Variables, constants, and equations.

        b = 1.20               price, in dollars per yard, for which a merchant bought cloth;

        p = 33+1/3           percentage of profit, and "mark-down" from marked price;

        s = b*(1+p/100)   price for which the merchant sold the cloth, which was 33 1/3% more than he bought it for;

        x                          unknown marked price for cloth,

        s = x*(1-p/100)    selling price was 33 1/3% less than marked price.



        Compute: x = b*(1+p/100)/(1-p/100) for b = 1.20 and p = 33+1/3.



        Recommended method: use a calculator.

The answer: The marked price of cloth was $2.40 per yard.



3. A merchant sold a quantity of cloth for $120, and by doing so gained 50 percent. He then sold another quantity, for $120, and thereby lost 50 percent.  Did he gain or lose by the bargain, and how much?


Variables, constants, and equations.

        x       amount of dollars the merchant paid for the first amount of cloth;

        y       amount he paid for the second amount of cloth;


        120 = x*(1+.5)          when he sold the first batch for $120, he gained 50%;

        120 = y*(1-.5)           when he sold the second batch for $120, he lost 50%,


        t                                  total gain or loss;
        t = 2*120 - x - y      selling price minus cost of buying.



        Compute: 120*(2 - 1/1.5 - 1/.5)



       The computation should be done mentally.

The answer is t =  -80.  This means that the merchant lost $80.

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