Cube with One Edge Sliced Off
AKA Recycle Box


Design and construct the following solid:

It should have a volume V = 30 cubic inches, and the width of the slice s = 2 inches.

Here is the top view:

(A TI-34 calculator is used below.)

Look at the small right triangle in the corner of the square (top view):

Using the Pythagorean Theorem, a2 + a2 = 22.

          2a2 = 4
          a2 = 2
          a = √2

The area of the small triangle is 1/2*base*height = 1/2*√2*√2 = 1 square inch.
The volume of the slice that is cut off of the cube (i.e., the area of the triangular prism) is (area of the triangle)*height = 1*x = x cubic inches.
The volume of the whole (intact) cube is x3.
We need to find x.

We know the volume V of our solid is x3 - x = 30 cubic inches.
So we need to solve the equation x3 - x - 30 = 0 for x.

We use the fixed point method.
Rewrite x3 - x -30 = 0 as x3 = x + 30
Then 3√ x3 = 3√(x + 30), or x = 3√(x + 30)
The algorithm is:
          repeat: 3√(x + 30) → x

In the program, x is shown on the display and stored in Ans.


OP1 = 3√(Ans + 30)
Now enter a first guess for x, which becomes Ans, for example, 4.
4 Enter
Now continually press OP1. You will see:

OP1 3.239611801
OP1 3.215278879
OP1 3.21449411
OP1 3.214468794
OP1 3.214467978
OP1 3.214467951
OP1 3.21446795
OP1 3.21446795

Check that x = 3.21446795 satisfies the equation x3 - x - 30 = 0 as follows:
A3 - A - 30 = Enter
You will see 0.

So x = 3.21446795 ≈ 3 3.5/16 inches, and x - √2 ≈ 1.800 ≈ 1 13/16 inches.

We are now ready to design our plan for the box. It has five lateral sides which are rectangles, and a top and bottom which are congruent pentagons.
Here is one possible plan, using 3 pieces.

Make two of these:

Now assemble your box!

Here are some pictures of a recycle box:

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