Building a Skeletal Box according to Specifications


You will need a TI-83/84 calculator for this unit!

You have a stick that is one yard (36 inches) long.  Your task is to use it to build a skeletal rectangular solid that has volume 24 cubic inches and surface area 52 square inches. The edge lengths of the skeleton should sum to 36 inches (you should use the whole stick).

Plan first before you cut your stick!


Part 1. Algebraic solution.

Let the length, width, and height of the rectangular solid be a, b, and c.

We know:

4(a + b + c) = 36 inches (Why?)

So a + b + c = 9 inches                                    (1)

a*b*c=24 cubic in.                                          (2)

2(a*b + a*c + b*c) = 52 square in. (Why?)     (3)

(So a*b + a*c + b*c = 26 square in.)

(1), (2), and (3) above are the three specifications.


What next?

Consider the equation


If we multiply it out, we will find something that will be helpful.


(x a) * (x b) * (x c) =

(x 2 (a + b)x + ab) * (x c) = 0

x 3 (a + b)x 2+ abx cx 2+ c(a + b)x abc = 0

x 3 (a + b + c)x 2+ (ab + ac + bc)x abc = 0


Look at the last three coefficients:

a + b + c,

ab + ac + bc, and


Do you see that

a * b * c = 24 cu. inches = volume


So we can write

x 3 (a + b + c)x 2+ (ab + ac + bc)x abc = 0


x 3 9x 2+ 26x 24 = 0


Now we have a cubic polynomial equation in just one variable. 

And if we solve it, (if there are solutions), we will find a, b, and c:



We will use Solver on the TI-83/84.

Under Y=, enter


Now go to Solver (under Math).

You will see





Press ENTER, and you will see





Enter a guess at X=, and then press


If you made a good guess, you will see one solution.

Now make a second guess, and if it is a good one, you will get a second solution.

Finally, with a third good guess, you will get a third solution.


Now check if the three solutions you found, call them a', b', and c', yield

a'*b'*c'= 24



a'*b' + a'*c'+b'*c'=26.


If they are correct, you may cut your stick.



Part 2.  Building the skeleton


This is not so easy! We found 36-inch long thin sticks at Hobby Lobby, and we used an X-Acto knife to cut it.  You need to cut the stick into 12 pieces, 4 with length a, 4 with length b, and 4 with length c.

How to make the 8 vertices?

We found that wood glue worked fairly well.   


We worked with gluing two edges at a time.  But you need to wait a while for each intersection to dry.  Here is a picture of my finished product:

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